ESG Data Providers Set to ‘Face Increased Scrutiny on Israel’ Following Morningstar Report

Original Author: Gina Gambetta
Publication: Responsible Investor
Published Date: 09/06/2022

Jewish groups put industry on notice, investors stress the need for objective analysis and data.

Richard Stazinski, co-founder and executive director at Heartland Initiative, said it was important to note that, as world leaders grapple with an ongoing Russian war of aggression and occupation of Ukraine and its global economic shockwaves, there are dozens of other conflict-affected and high-risk areas experiencing varying levels of violence and political instability with potentially dire consequences for individuals, groups and communities.

“Evidence shows that it’s in these areas where salient human rights risks increasingly translate into material risks – legal, operational, and financial – for companies and their investors,” he told RI. “Now is a time when institutional investors require more, not less, data on human rights across all affected areas.”